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Theresa Edelmann-Parkergestorben am 14. August 2015


Giorgio Zankl
schrieb am 2. September 2015 um 15.57 Uhr

Obwohl ich schon einige Jahre keinen Kontakt mehr mit Tess hatte, hat mich die Nachricht von ihrem Tod stark berührt. Das muss an der herzlichen Verbindung liegen, die sie mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen im Tanzbereich , sicher nicht nur mit mir, zu schaffen wusste. Dass sie darüberhinaus eine energiegeladene Tanzmeisterin war, ist ja wohl allgemein bekannt. Gott segne sie: Tanze mit mir in den Himmel hinein!


Roland, Fabienne, Louise and Martial BALTERA
schrieb am 1. September 2015 um 10.10 Uhr

It was always enjoyable to have Tess as a teacher and partner in various Scottish Country Dancing events. But we remember with particular fondness the week we spent with her at our friend Nanon's in the Queyras in 2010, where she taught beautiful Playford dances to a mixed group of adults and children. It was a very friendly, joyful occasion, and the taste for this type of dance which Tess gave the youngsters was undoubtedly decisive in their accepting to try Scottish Dancing later on. We had hoped to repeat the experience and are very sad that it is not to be and that we shall never have the pleasure to again dance, talk and laugh with Tess.
We extend all our sympathy to her family.


Karen O'Mahony
schrieb am 29. August 2015 um 16.47 Uhr

I cannot believe Tess has left us. She had been our guide around Vienna only a couple of months ago. I will remember her for our many dancing evenings, chèilìs, our pizza nights in Turin and seaside stays on the coast. God bless you Tess and no doubt you'll have the angels dancing above in no time at all! May you rest in peace.


Hildegard Elisabeth Banner
schrieb am 28. August 2015 um 13.44 Uhr

Ich finde es sehr traurig, dass Tess ihre Übersiedlung nach Wien nur so kurz erleben durfte. Sie war so voller Zukunftsplänen, als wir sie 2013 in Bad Goisern kennen lernten. Für uns war es der Beginn einer Freundschaft, die nun ein abruptes Ende nehmen musste, bevor sich diese noch richtig entwickeln konnte. Darüber sind wir sehr traurig aber auch dankbar, dass wir sie kennenlernen und als Tanzmeisterin erleben durften.


Stephen James Banner
schrieb am 28. August 2015 um 13.34 Uhr

It came as a big shock to learn of Tess's death. Her guest appearance at our dance workshop was enjoyed by all, and we were looking forward to repeating it in the future. I am sorry to hear this news, and send my deepest condolences.


Cath Kinney
schrieb am 28. August 2015 um 7.16 Uhr

I am so sorry to hear that Tess has passed away and will keep you all in my prayers as you come to terms with your loss.

We only met on the few occasions when she joined us at the BCA book group but she was always a lively participant in our discussions and will be sadly missed by all. A lovely lady who was always smiling and was a joy to know.